Changes to the building act

There are new forms which are required by the Act, including application forms.
More detailed information is required with a Project Information Memorandum (PIM) application.
All building consents and PIMs have a 20 day statutory time frame for processing.
- Some building consent applications will be sent to the Fire Service for comment.
- A formal application for a code compliance certificate must be made as soon as practicable after completion of building.
- The BCA has a 20 day timeframe to issue a code compliance certificate at completion.
- Owners are able to apply for amendments to their compliance schedule, or the Council may initiate an amendment.
- Owners must provide copies of licensed building practitioner (LBPs formerly known as independent qualified persons or IQPs) certificates with the building warrant of fitness.
- The Council is able to charge for inspection work related to the building warrant of fitness regime, including checking the details
of the warrant of fitness and accompanying certificates. - If work that required a building consent has been completed without first obtaining one, owners cannot apply for the building consent retrospectively. Instead, owners can apply for a Certificate of Acceptance.
- Ensure your building is maintained in a safe and sanitary condition
Undertake maintenance to ensure on-going durability and performance. - Obtain a project information memoranda (pim) from council for all building work proposals.
- Obtain a building consent for all building work that is not exempted in schedule 1 before commencing work.
- Ensure all building work undertaken that is exempted from the need to obtain a building consent complies with the building code.
- Where required, obtain resource consent and other authorisations under bylaws before commencing any building work.
- Ensure easements and covenants on the title are complied with.
Notify council of any proposed change in building use and not effect that change until written approval is obtained from the council. - Apply to council for a code compliance certificate upon completion of consented building work.
- Strengthen earthquake prone buildings in accordance with council policy.
- Ensure building compliance schedule inspections, maintenance and reporting procedures (where applicable) are completed, the annual building warrant of Fitness (not required for residential homes unless a cable car is attached or the house is serviced by one) is signed off in due time, and copies of the warrant of fitness and lbp reports provided to council with the prescribed fee.
Contact Info
PO BOX 95196
Swanson, West Auckland
Sam: 021 678 040
Bruce: 021 661 477